Oxford TESOL Accreditation Centre

Oxford TESOL Accreditation Centre is an independent TESOL quality assurance body governed by Oxford School of Advanced TESOL Studies.

Our aim is to promote higher standards in TESOL by assessing curriculum quality and teachers’ competences in private language schools.

Key benefits of accrediting your school or private teaching practice with us:

  • online application in easy-to-follow steps
  • a straightforward accreditation procedure lasting no longer than 2 weeks
  • distance administration and moderation, without the need to meet in person
  • 3-year accreditation of all programmes, submitted for accreditation, with no hidden fees
  • a possibility to submit additional programmes for accreditation during the 3-year accredited period free of charge
  • access to accreditation documents via a dedicated TESOL provider’s account
  • methodological support via regular online continuing professional development (CPD) courses and mentoring for teachers and course directors
  • highly qualified accrediting staff, experienced in TESOL education and business administration
  • enhanced reputation for your language school officially recognised for curriculum quality and teaching excellence

You can apply for accreditation as a representative of a large language school or as the sole representative of your own private teaching practice as long as you meet our requirements (please see the application form).

Accreditation fees in 2024: £380 per organisation (accreditation will be valid for 3 years)

Apply for accreditation

If you would like to make an enquiry about accreditation, please contact Oxford TESOL Accreditation Centre at: accreditation@oxford-tesol.org.uk.

Visit the Accredited TESOL Providers’ Portal

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