Oxford Certificate in TESOL Assessment Quality Assurance

Course duration: 5 months

Guided learning hours (GLH): 12 hours per week (240 hours in total)

Study method: online learning with tutor’s guidance and support

Course description:

The Oxford Certificate in TESOL Assessment Quality Assurance is a non-regulated professional qualification for experienced teachers, assessors, quality-assurance staff and education consultants who are responsible for curriculum planning, syllabus design and assessment materials development in the TESOL/ELT department. Building upon the latest research findings in the TEFL/TESL/TESOL field, this course provides candidates with a strong methodological base and offers numerous practical activities in language teaching assessment materials evaluation and design.

Course syllabus:

  • Key theories and principles of assessment for learning and development 
  • Roles and responsibilities of assessors and quality assurers in the TESOL/ELT department
  • Issues of validity, reliability, sufficiency, authenticity and dependability in designing language tests
  • Different types of assessment methods in the English language classroom
  • Test-taking strategies and task design
  • Piloting writing, speaking, reading, listening, vocabulary and grammar tests in different learning situations
  • Scoring performance tests
  • Using technology in English language testing
  • Designing language tests for specific social uses
  • Innovative approaches to effective feedback for long-term learner development
  • Developing autonomy via self- and peer-review activities
  • Recording learner progress and achievement
  • Quality management in language test production and administration
  • Constructing a portfolio of TESOL assessment materials for different target groups of learners
  • Reflective practice and continuing professional development for English language assessors

Online study materials:

All study materials for the course are available online via a dedicated virtual learning environment (VLE) which includes:

  • a module guide
  • an interactive week-by-week study planner
  • key critical and theoretical readings related to ELT methodology and assessment materials development
  • a glossary of ELT terms
  • an online forum for discussions and group work
  • an assessment guide
  • access to our online library databases with ELT resources

Course work includes:

  • 5 tutor-marked assignments
  • end-of-course assessment (a portfolio of devised TESOL assessment materials and a published article on TESOL assessment materials evaluation and design)

Course participants will be encouraged to relate the content of the course to their own professional experiences when working on their assignments. Therefore, access to formal or informal educational settings will be needed to pilot the devised materials and carry out observations. Candidates’ articles on TESOL assessment materials evaluation and design will be published in our School’s TESOL Practitioner’s Magazine.


On successfully completing this qualification, you will be awarded our Oxford Certificate in TESOL Assessment Quality Assurance. You will be entitled to use the letters OxTESOLCert after your name.

Course fees for the 2024/2025 academic year: £1,450

Course fees cover registration, course materials, tuition and assessment.

Next term start date: 1 October 2024

Register by: 20 September 2024

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